| 株式会社山海興業

The corporation information about 株式会社山海興業 (Japanese Corporation). 株式会社山海興業 is located in 高知県高岡郡佐川町黒原4753番地.

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Corporation Number4490001009434
Corporation Name(English)
Type of Corporation株式会社
Post Code7891211

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Address in Japanese高知県高岡郡佐川町黒原4753番地
Bankruptcy/Close day
Acquired company
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President/CEORequest detail
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Past Board MemberRequest detail
Stock acquisition rightRequest detail
Last modified date2019-12-02
Latitude / Longitude33.54432171,133.29192567
what3wordsれきし。ついていく。しょくよく (jp)
unshaded.primaries.hopeful (en)
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4490001009434 株式会社山海興業高知県高岡郡佐川町黒原4753番地
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