| 有限会社セイ建内装
The corporation information about 有限会社セイ建内装 (Japanese Corporation). 有限会社セイ建内装 is located in 東京都練馬区中村南2丁目21番12-601号.
Website | - For Company Staff[PR]: >> If you are looking for site: グーペ ![]() |
Corporation Number | 9011602005625 |
Corporation Name(English) | |
Type of Corporation | 有限会社 |
Post Code | 1760025 |
Address |
Address in Japanese | 東京都練馬区中村南2丁目21番12-601号 |
Bankruptcy/Close day | 2022-11-22 |
Acquired company | |
Found | Request detail |
Capital | Request detail |
President/CEO | Request detail |
Board Member | Request detail |
Past Board Member | Request detail |
Stock acquisition right | Request detail |
Last modified date | 2022-11-25 |
Useful links for researching about 有限会社セイ建内装
Corporations in neighborhood
Corporation Number | Name | Address |
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1011602008107 | 有限会社林コーヒー研究所 | 東京都練馬区中村南1丁目29番3号 |
1011602009971 | 有限会社メルセデス・オートサービス | 東京都練馬区中村南1丁目6番9号 |
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