| オーネス合同会社

The corporation information about オーネス合同会社 (Japanese Corporation). オーネス合同会社 is located in 石川県能美市五間堂町丁134番地1.

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Corporation Number7220003000794
Corporation Name(English)
Type of Corporation合同会社
Post Code9290103


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Address in Japanese石川県能美市五間堂町丁134番地1
Bankruptcy/Close day
Acquired company
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Stock acquisition rightRequest detail
Last modified date2022-10-28
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7220001024077 株式会社MAY corporation石川県能美市五間堂町乙20番地1
7220003000794 オーネス合同会社石川県能美市五間堂町丁134番地1
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