Ikeda cho

| 池田町

The corporation information about Ikeda cho (Japanese Corporation). Ikeda cho is located in 35-4,Inari, Imadate gun Ikeda cho, Fukui.

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Corporation Number2000020183822
Corporation Name(English)Ikeda cho
Type of Corporation地方公共団体
Post Code9102512

35-4,Inari, Imadate gun Ikeda cho, Fukui

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Address in Japanese福井県今立郡池田町稲荷35-4
Bankruptcy/Close day
Acquired company
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Stock acquisition rightRequest detail
Last modified date2018-04-03
Latitude / Longitude35.89035796,136.34422061
what3wordsたんじょうび。なかでも。ほれた (jp)
advantageous.wilts.sightseeing (en)
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2000020183822Ikeda cho 池田町35-4,Inari, Imadate gun Ikeda cho, Fukui
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