| 堤神社

The corporation information about 堤神社 (Japanese Corporation). 堤神社 is located in 島根県安来市広瀬町菅原2017番地.

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Corporation Number4280005002282
Corporation Name(English)
Type of Corporationその他の設立登記法人
Post Code6920621


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Address in Japanese島根県安来市広瀬町菅原2017番地
Bankruptcy/Close day
Acquired company
FoundRequest detail
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President/CEORequest detail
Board MemberRequest detail
Past Board MemberRequest detail
Stock acquisition rightRequest detail
Last modified date2015-11-20
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Corporations in neighborhood

Corporation NumberNameAddress
1280002004771 有限会社盛合商会島根県安来市広瀬町菅原613番地
1280005002277 倉手神社島根県安来市広瀬町菅原542番地
2280002004639 有限会社足立製紙所島根県安来市広瀬町菅原772番地
2280005002490 一般財団法人安来ふるさと公社島根県安来市広瀬町菅原1361番地4
3280005002267 王子神社島根県安来市広瀬町菅原1153番地
4280005002282 堤神社島根県安来市広瀬町菅原2017番地
6280001002499 株式会社近藤建興島根県安来市広瀬町菅原1012番地1
7280002004717 有限会社能義運送島根県安来市広瀬町菅原754番地2
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