| 株式会社築山工業

The corporation information about 株式会社築山工業 (Japanese Corporation). 株式会社築山工業 is located in 岡山県赤磐市立川546番地5.

Website -

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>> If you are looking for site: グーペ
Corporation Number7260001031846
Corporation Name(English)
Type of Corporation株式会社
Post Code7090815


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Address in Japanese岡山県赤磐市立川546番地5
Bankruptcy/Close day
Acquired company
FoundRequest detail
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President/CEORequest detail
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Stock acquisition rightRequest detail
Last modified date2018-04-26
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Useful links for researching about 株式会社築山工業

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4260002011131 有限会社中塚サービス岡山県赤磐市立川44番地
7260001031846 株式会社築山工業岡山県赤磐市立川546番地5
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4260003004720 合同会社BAKHU’S TRADING岡山県赤磐市立川字友田919番地1
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