Uwajima City

| 宇和島市

The corporation information about Uwajima City (Japanese Corporation). Uwajima City is located in 1, Akebono cho,Uwajima shi, Ehime.

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Corporation Number3000020382035
Corporation Name(English)Uwajima City
Type of Corporation地方公共団体
Post Code7980030

1, Akebono cho,Uwajima shi, Ehime

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Address in Japanese愛媛県宇和島市曙町1
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Last modified date2018-04-04
Latitude / Longitude33.22333985,132.56056232
what3wordsおこした。せんたく。ほうし (jp)
spooned.damp.baked (en)
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Corporations in neighborhood

Corporation NumberNameAddress
1700150057438 宇和島地域雇用創造協議会愛媛県宇和島市曙町1番地宇和島市役所内
2000030380005Mimakizaisanku 御槇財産区1, Akebono cho,Uwajima shi, Ehime
3000020382035Uwajima City 宇和島市1, Akebono cho,Uwajima shi, Ehime
3000020388882Uwajima public service association 宇和島地区広域事務組合1, Akebono cho,Uwajima shi, Ehime
3000030380004Hatajizaisanku 畑地財産区1, Akebono cho, Uwajima shi, Ehime
4000030380003Kiyomitsuzaisanku 清満財産区1, Akebono cho, Uwajima shi, Ehime
6500005006184 宇和島市土地開発公社愛媛県宇和島市曙町1番地
7500002022893 有限会社中国亭愛媛県宇和島市曙町4番地21
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