Aki Summary Court

| 安芸簡易裁判所

The corporation information about Aki Summary Court (Japanese Corporation). Aki Summary Court is located in 9-25, Kuzecho, Aki shi, Kochi.

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Corporation Number1000013050428
Corporation Name(English)Aki Summary Court
Type of Corporation国の機関
Post Code7840003

9-25, Kuzecho, Aki shi, Kochi

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Address in Japanese高知県安芸市久世町9-25
Bankruptcy/Close day
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Last modified date2018-04-02
Latitude / Longitude33.50169314,133.90262206
what3wordsさっする。ばいぞう。とりさる (jp)
peaches.deduction.recaptured (en)
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1000013050428Aki Summary Court 安芸簡易裁判所9-25, Kuzecho, Aki shi, Kochi
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