Chugei Wide Area Union

| 中芸広域連合

The corporation information about Chugei Wide Area Union (Japanese Corporation). Chugei Wide Area Union is located in 2017,Oaza Higashijima, Yasuda town, Kochi.

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Corporation Number4000020398781
Corporation Name(English)Chugei Wide Area Union
Type of Corporation地方公共団体
Post Code7816425

2017,Oaza Higashijima, Yasuda town, Kochi

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Address in Japanese高知県安芸郡安田町大字東島2017
Bankruptcy/Close day
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Last modified date2018-04-04
Latitude / Longitude33.440634,134.00531802
what3wordsうんゆ。ひとあせ。しっとり (jp)
persuades.soulmate.traits (en)
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4000020398781Chugei Wide Area Union 中芸広域連合2017,Oaza Higashijima, Yasuda town, Kochi
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