| 大泉砕石株式会社

The corporation information about 大泉砕石株式会社 (Japanese Corporation). 大泉砕石株式会社 is located in 茨城県桜川市大泉877番地.

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Corporation Number2050001032218
Corporation Name(English)
Type of Corporation株式会社
Post Code3091201

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Address in Japanese茨城県桜川市大泉877番地
Bankruptcy/Close day
Acquired company
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Last modified date2022-10-13
Latitude / Longitude36.40343752,140.07584838
what3wordsときどき。あるいは。あまえ (jp)
bracelets.governors.mixture (en)
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Corporations in neighborhood

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2050001042076 株式会社仁平ファーム茨城県桜川市大泉363番地
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