The corporation information about LANKA AUTO TRADE (Japanese Corporation). LANKA AUTO TRADE is located in 千葉県山武市小泉1098番地5.

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Corporation Number1700150108001
Corporation Name(English)
Type of Corporation外国会社等
Post Code2891317


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Address in Japanese千葉県山武市小泉1098番地5
Bankruptcy/Close day
Acquired company
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Last modified date2022-04-15
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Corporations in neighborhood

Corporation NumberNameAddress
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5040002080115 有限会社藤城土木千葉県山武市小泉657番地
7040002079972 有限会社川島園千葉県山武市小泉880番地の4
8040002079402 有限会社太田シグナウ千葉県山武市小泉1119番地の13
9040001058141 株式会社山光千葉県山武市小泉1100番地の10
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9011501014628 株式会社アセントイズム千葉県山武市小泉1478番地3
1700150101154 Auto Hub Car Sale千葉県山武市小泉1098番地2
9040003014464 セヌディジャパンランカ合同会社千葉県山武市小泉1098番地3
1700150108001 LANKA AUTO TRADE千葉県山武市小泉1098番地5
4040003021911 Vozilo Automobiles合同会社千葉県山武市小泉1098番地2
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